About me

I'm Katy, Pupper Hutt's certified canine hydrotherapist. With a passion for learning and a lifelong interest in dogs, I've established Pupper Hutt with the aim of creating and providing a tailored hydrotherapy program for your furry friend. 

Growing up alongside a family pet makes for some pretty epic memories. I’ve always felt deeply grateful for the relationships I've had and the bonds I've formed with dogs throughout my life. The good times when our pets are healthy and mobile are the BEST but the times when they are challenged by ill health or reduced mobilty or injury can be incredibly difficult. ​

Pupper Hutt Hydrotherapy Clinic was established in 2023 after a growing need for canine hydrotherapy services was identified in the Hutt Valley. I’ve earned my qualification with the Canine Health and Wellbeing Academy in Melbourne, Australia and have undertaken mentoring with other hydrotherapists in NZ. Through this, I’ve gained a strong understanding of the complex nature of the individual needs of the canine structure and it is my aim to bring those acquired skills and experience to Pupper Hutt for the overall benefit of our dogs. 

​I am currently 'dog Mum' to two Miniature Schnauzers and reside in Upper Hutt.